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  • Writer's pictureJax

I traded my first born for this

I have stated, in a few places, that the Steam Series is an unexpected project. I initially started to write this as a way to get my literal OTP together. I've been writing for a long time and I have yet to learn the art of planning a novel before writing it.

Worse, I have yet to learn not to post anything before I finish it.

What has resulted is that the first book, "How Dragons Fall in Love," is an inconsistent mess. Characters that show up in the third book should have been introduced in the first, the sex scenes are shoe horned in so the romance is rushed, and the plot drags. For the month of March, I have been building a buffer for the third book and begun editing the first.

Most of the book needs to be completely rewritten.

Depending on when I finish editing this monster, I will be orphaning "Dragons" on AO3 and uploading the new version, "Reunited," in its entirety. It took a lot of thinking and stressing over this past month, but there's simply no way to salvage the story as it is and have it make sense in the face of this third book. Let alone what's going to happen by the seventh. The overall plot will stay the same but a few chapters will be moved around, some cut completely, and new scenes added.

Anyway, I'm counting the hours down till the third book goes live and I really hope you stick with me on this journey.

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